Giants creates exclusive gaming products for Burger King and Nesquik, obtaining spectacular results.

Design, Gaming, Products

When a brand sponsors Giants, its main objective is to bring its value proposition closer to our community of fans. This rapprochement is usually carried out through the presence of your brand on our supports, such as the official team shirt or the audiovisual content that we publish on social networks. However, in recent years we have expanded these relationships and we have managed to get the sponsor to trust our brand and products to promote theirs.

A notable example is our collaboration with Burger King in the joint design of a line of gaming headsets and chairs. The client has used these products to promote new registrations in their delivery order app, with very positive results and a record participation rate. After many years sponsoring and bringing the brand closer to the audience, we have closed the circle with specific products in its catalogue.

Another success story is that of Nesquik, which has used Giants in 2021 and 2022 to boost sales of its savings pack. In 2021 we developed a float with our brand that was included in the pack, being a great commercial claim at points of sale. In 2022 we have designed packs of gaming products, such as computers, headsets and keyboards, and thanks to the purchase of the savings pack you can participate in weekly raffles with Giants members as judges.

Giants is not only a perfect business solution to carry the brand’s message to the audience, but it has also become a communication asset for the brand towards its audience. The results obtained show that we are facing a great opportunity.

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